Journey to the Underworld Coaching Container

Astrological Self-Care and Ritual Magic Toolkit

This offering is an ongoing, collaborative container where will identify your unique Journey to the Underworld as outlined in your natal chart and co-create a spiritual practice and ritual care program that is perfect for YOU! This offering is for anyone, anywhere along the spiritual spectrum. Through an intake questionnaire and subsequent 30-minute discovery call we will gather all information necessary to craft a practice that compliments your spiritual or religious beliefs.

What’s Included:

  • 30 minute Discovery call

  • 60 minute Journey to the Underworld consultation

  • Custom crafted self-care and spiritual toolkit

  • Monthly coaching support for as long as you need it!


*ongoing monthly coaching is $111 a session

Support your wellbeing and spiritual growth through astrologically customized meditations, journal prompts, breathwork, self-care practices and more!

Fill out the form below and let’s co-create some magic!